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Organisationsverhalten, Recruiting, Führungsentwicklung, Führungskräfte, Training


Managers are important multipliers in the company. The way they behave towards customers, suppliers and employees determines the success of your company.   

Continuous development of their personal and professional competencies helps managers to face the new challenges of the working world authentically and to act in a pioneering manner.


Kaffeepause mit Freunden
Learning in your own everyday life

Managers are faced with new challenges every day. Therefore flexible action and behavior are the order of the day. 

From the basics of corporate management to the avoidance of leadership mistakes, our trainings provide you with practical and immediately applicable techniques. 

In a personal meeting, we are happy to take the time to design your individual plan, regardless of whether it is a question of development and potential talks, assessments, business coaching, training or building a leadership culture.

360° feedback analysis

The 360° feedback analysis clarifies how a test person is perceived in his professional environment and as a manager.

The assessment of various people in the professional environment - supervisors, colleagues, employees and external parties – as well as the test person's self-assessment are collected.


That offers the opportunity to record multiple perspectives. It is a good approach to assess whether the behavior of a test person is goal-oriented, efficient and accepted by the community.


The 360° feedback analysis makes it possible to identify areas that are already established as strengths and also to recognize fields that still offer potential for improvement.

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Leadership training

Leaders are role models. Their behavior shapes the one of their employees. It also defines the working atmosphere (both positively and negatively). Numerous empirical studies have shown that companies with a positive working atmosphere achieve growth rates and returns that are three to four times higher than those of competitors with a negative corporate culture. 

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